Milestone #8 - mid 2020s
In the course of the improvements to my website mentioned below, I will also further improve and renew my tech stack
Milestone #7 - mid 2020s
Beyond Milestone 6 a couple of next possible Milestones come to mind:
o Addition of a Forum or at least Comment-sections both in the Outlines or in Site-posts
o User Sign-Up and User-Login to View and/or Edit Outline-contents
o Mobile optimized Layouts of the Outline-pages
o PDF-Creation for all chapters in the Outline-pages
o Serach Engine Optimization
Milestone #6 - 2020
Having reached 25,000 unique, but flat-file based entries in the Outlines in September 2019, the next logical step in development will be to import all data into a database in order to ensure flexibility, accuracy and ease of exporting the data into various different templates again. This next step is estimated to be accomplished by the end of 2020