The Problem of Onanism


In the practice of onanism, the body sets up a barrier beyond which there is nothing but emptiness, and within which the individual is isolated.

He cannot transcend the barrier, break through, or climb over it, to make contact with a real person with whom he might establish a real relationship.

To sum up we may say: The nature of onanism is determined by its meaninglessness. The practice leads to isolation and inward division


It contradicts the truth of life and love itself and is an offence against the natural task of life, and the forward movement of vital forces beyond the ego. In place of this, the onanist regresses to a primitive sexual stage centered in self. Such an attitude of disharmony is a fault which must arouse anxiety and feelings of guilt and act as a hindrance to the development of the individual.

In the world of daydreams the individual occupies himself with an imaginary life in which he performs imaginary deeds. The forces of the personality are not turned towards a real goal but towards some fanciful projection


A couple strives towards the perfect fulfillment of the ideal we, venturing to give up their egos in this new ideal, to receive them again enriched and fulfilled.